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Private Computer Studies / I.T. and Economics Tutor in Chipping Campden

Many years experience in a wide range of context as a lecturer and teacher. I have used a range of software and taught individuals how to apply this to the context of business. For example, I designed and initiated a new course (Computers for the Terrified) as part of a push in ICT skills amongst the older population.

Tutoring Experience

SCORM, SWOT analysis, project proposals, marketing plans, test plans and conceptual designs are just some of the hands-on skills I can teach. To this effect, I am proficient in using Microsoft products, excel and other products to conduct project planning and production. I am an advance user of Microsoft Office and have taught the European Computer Driving licence to A level. I have taken part in the process of Software Development Life cycle and used prototyping, waterfall, SCRUM to develop work with students. I have been a subject (computing) learning coach, which was part of an advanced lecturer status to cascade good practice in teaching. These skills were further developed through in-house Teacher training including the organising of meetings through the Ministry of Education in New Zealand to promote the benefits of virtual Learning Environments and provided staff training. I have been a Head and Lead for Computing and IT for 20 years and have taught a wide range of students in schools and college in the UK and New Zealand, including adult returners to education. I am able to teach Networking, Database Management with MySQL/PHP, web design, all adobe products, Python programming, VisualBasic, OCR and AQA syllabus for GCSE and A Level as well as college courses and complete revision sessions. BBC Micro:BIT, Minecraft, app development, competition entries for BAFTA young games designer and other robotics for younger students.

Tutoring Approach

My student-centred approach to teaching has allowed me to be very flexible in Course content design. Technical skills have been kept up to date. I can be technical hands on and demonstrate use of software through direct or virtual tuition. I can small group work for a bespoke price.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


STEM2023ProfessionalDigital Skills Cyber Security
STEM2019ProfessionalNCCE Facilitator Development Programme
Liverpool University2006PGCEPostgraduate Certificate in Education
Microsoft2002ProfessionalMCP Win2000
Sheffield University2001ProfessionalLETTOL (Online Teachers Qualification)
Stockport College2000CollegeCertificate in Education Teaching qualification for Further and Higher Education
BTEC2000CollegeHigher National Certificate in Business and Information Technology
Birmingham University1981BachelorsBA (Hons) Government (CNAA)
Rating from 3 references


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