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Private Maths Tutor in Manchester

Strong subject knowledge with wide experience of one to one support at Key Stage 3 and GCSE in Maths . I also teach Arabic language at high standards.
I graduated from The University of Manchester with PhD degree in Pharmacy. I have a wide experience of working with pupils of many different ages, in small groups or on one-to-one basis.

My experience is based on more than 12 years tutoring from Key Stage 2 up to GCSE and before that, working for weekend supplementary schools to teach science for students from year 7 through to GCSE.

Tutoring Experience


Tutoring Approach

My tutoring style varies considerably, based on the subject matter and each learner's needs. I am patient, kind, supportive and professional. I am also considered to have a caring approach. I will identify which areas are a student's weakest and locate practice problems in order to help them improve in those. I would welcome the opportunity to work with upper-primary / high school aged children.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Arabic
References Available On File


The University of Manchester2003DoctoratePhD in pharmacy

Fawzia's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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