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Home Tuition for English in Havant

Hi, I'm Fliss! I'm a fully qualified English teacher and have been a tutor for over ten years. I teach secondary level (11 to 18), and can also help with certain undergraduate modules, particularly those with a focus on literature or creative writing. I am passionate about English and enjoy instilling a love of the subject in others. As well as reading and writing, I love the great outdoors and enjoy swimming in the sea, sailing in boats, and going on long walks with my dog, Nancy. I'm a sucker for new ideas, knowledge, all animals, science-fiction, sunshine, and travelling.

Tutoring Experience

I am an experienced and fully qualified English teacher with an excellent results record. I have taught privately for the last twelve years and have had many successes, including several GCSE students who have improved from a grade 4 to a grade 6 in under a year. Last year, I taught several GCSE students and they all did very well; many of them exceeding their target grades, and several doing me proud and achieving 8s and 9s.

I have extensive experience of teaching students with learning differences, including ADHD, Dyslexia, and SPD, and have also taught and mentored many students with ASD. In addition to helping parents access the support they need in school (for example supporting applications for access arrangements in exams), I search for a way to make English enjoyable again, focussing on the many creative and inventive elements of the subject.

Tutoring Approach

I am patient, supportive, and approachable, and believe strongly in the value of a good rapport between tutor and tutee. I am very good at quickly identifying specific weaknesses and areas for improvement which, in conjunction with an in-depth knowledge of the various exam boards' assessment criteria, often produces significant and rapid improvement. I believe very strongly that teaching and learning should be creative and active and not be about the passive absorption of facts. I take a keen interest in current educational ideas and the processes of the mind, and endeavour to incorporate an understanding of how we learn into everything I do.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Southampton University2003QTSQTS
Bath Spa University1997MastersCreative English MA
London University1988BachelorsModern History BA

Felicity's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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