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I am a French IT engineer with 20 years tutoring in French and in math at all levels from Year 6 to GCSE to A LEVEL or French Baccalaureat and University. I have developed my own tutorials. I have now a stock of 150 lessons growing every week covering pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary in French and most concepts in math
In French, I can tailor courses for professional with special needs: Business French or for adults wishing to travel or move to France.
In math, I can help you improve your marks and get top marks at your exams.
With my method anybody wishing to learn quickly can improve in less than 10 lessons.

Tutoring Experience

I began tutoring when I was a student in Math at the University and have continued teaching until now. I have taught in different countries and have had students from a wide range of backgrounds and abilities. My teaching experiences include the following:
- Have run Mathematics courses for students aged 10-15 years old.
- Have taught some pupils for the whole of their education, in both French and Mathematics, from primary school to A-Level and Baccalaureat.
- Have taught up to A-Level Mathematics to pupils who then went on to study Mathematics at top universities.

Tutoring Approach

I have taught French as a foreign language to English students for the last 20 years. I have created audiovisual lessons taking in account similarities and differences between French and English to improve and speed up the learning. My method works as well for beginners with no French at all.

In math, I always start by assessing the student level. First, I propose a plan to fill the gaps while helping with the current difficulty. I usually encourage and teach my students to use spreadsheets (EXCEL) to help them formalize problem solving.

References Available On File


Paris Jussieu1984BachelorsBSc Mathematics
École Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de l'Information1986MastersMSc IT Project Management

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