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French Tutoring in St. Albans

I am a native French speaker with a friendly, focused and supportive approach to teaching. I want learners to make fast and noticeable progress, but I also want them to feel confident about their French in all four skill: listening, speaking, reading and writing. I use a wide range of original, engaging and interactive material with a track record of success. I am DBS certified. I have extensive experience of teaching French at all levels and I absolutely love teaching!

Tutoring Experience

For the past 25 years, I have taught at all levels in the primary, secondary and higher education sectors. I worked as a foreign language assistant at Cardiff university. I taught French from Year 7 to Year 13 in a secondary school. I am a qualified A-level and GCSE speaking examiner and I worked as a moderator on the PGCE course for MFL at Middlesex University. I have also taught one-to-one lessons to adults and A-level students.

Tutoring Approach

My goal as a UK-trained French teacher is to ensure that all students fulfill their potential at A levels and GCSE through a blend of interactive and engaging resources. I have extensive knowledge of the current syllabus and specific exam board requirements. As a native French speaker, I produce my own resources based on authentic and current material bespoke to the needs of each student. I also have experience of teaching French at degree level. I am friendly and approachable, and will ensure all students make progress regardless of their level of French.

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University of Wales Institute Cardiff2000PGCEPGCE in Modern Foreign Languages (French)
Rating from 2 references


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