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I have fifteen years experience running bespoke tuition programs for some of the most prestigious agencies, schools and universities in London. I have a 5* rating across a number of online platforms, as rated by the parents of my students, and have worked for super tutor agencies such as Bonas MacFarlane, teaching royal princes as well as their state school outreach programs. I also have three and a half years experience teaching at King's College London where I was awarded a teaching excellence award for each year I was there, as nominated by students, putting me in the top 10% of teachers at one of the world's top universities.

My manner is upbeat and patient, and I utilise a well-developed discursive and illustrative teaching approach designed to help students come to approach problems with confidence and rigour.

In addition to my teaching pursuits, my intellectual and cultural interests are very diverse- from playwriting, theatre, art, film, history, politics and the arts generally, to cycling, tennis, hiking and travelling. I always utilise my wide range of interests and experiences to encourage students to flourish intellectually beyond the prescribed syllabus.

Tutoring Experience

I have over fourteen years teaching experience in the following subjects at the following levels:

→Maths & Further Maths (primary, secondary, GCSE, iGCSE, IB, AS & A-level, MAT, TMUA, STEP)
This includes one-on-one private tuition, as well as running curriculum and exam preparation programs at Barking Abbey School, Lillian Baylis Tech, Harris Academy Crystal Palace and The Ravensbourne School

→Philosophy (AS, A-level, IB and undergraduate BA)
Three years teaching experience, teaching tutorials to undergraduates (first to third years) at King's College London. I have been awarded a certificate for teaching excellence based on student nominations for each of my three years teaching, placing me in the top 10% or teachers at one of the world's top universities. I have also been a university examiner at formative and summarative level.

→Science (GCSE, iGCSE) with Physics specialism (IB, AS- and A-level, PAT)
Fourteen years teaching tutorials for three different prestigious tutoring agencies, as well as running teaching and exam preparation seminars at Barking Abbey School, Lillian Baylis Tech, Harris Academy Crystal Palace and The Ravensbourne School

→Critical Thinking Skills (IB, A-level, TSA)
- I run tailored programs for developing logical and critical thinking skills, either for extra-curricular purposes or for preparing for school or university entrance exams

Tutoring Approach

  • My approach to teaching mathematics and physics is a discursive, interactive method. The aim is not merely to drill set methods into students, soon to be forgotten, but by focusing on reasoning from fundamental principles they will come to approach any possible problem with dexterity and rigour.

  • My method in teaching Philosophy is again discursive, focusing on a Socratic method of questioning designed to get students to think independently and critically in their engagement with ideas; fostering a passion for the critical-thinking and discussion that they can carry into whatever field they go on to apply themselves.

LanguagesEnglish (British), German
AvailabilityWeekdays (daytime)
References Available On File


University College London2008MastersMaster of Arts in Philosophy (Awarded Distinction)
University of Durham2005MastersMaster of Mathematics, including Physics Modules (awarded First Class Degree with honours)

Gary's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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