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Hello! I am George, an experienced online tutor in GCSE/A-Level/IBDP, and Director of Learning at an academy in London.

Having taught a wide range of courses across exam boards, I have an excellent understanding of exactly what you need to do to achieve the grade you are looking for, and can adapt to your needs as a learner.

What I offer:

Dynamic and purposeful lessons in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere
Personable approach
Commitment to helping you achieve the grades you want
Expert knowledge of exam boards, past papers and mark schemes
Detailed feedback on questions, essays or coursework
Huge range of resources (past papers, predicted papers, revision packs, cheat sheets, model answers, etc.)

My students’ results over the past years are a testament to the effectiveness of my teaching:

  • 51% of students achieved a Level 7-9 in their GCSEs
  • 90% of students achieved a Level 4-9 in their GCSEs
  • 33% of students achieved an A* at A-level
  • 100% of students achieved A*- C at A-level

Tutoring Experience

11 years of teaching the subject in the classroom at an Outstanding academy in London and top performing international school in Madrid.

Tutoring Approach

I am a friendly and approachable tutor who consistently received excellent feedback on securing mastery for students and building relationships with them in teaching performance reviews. I see myself as more of a facilitator of learning than a lecturer and know when to give input and when to allow students to find the solutions for themselves. This makes lessons dynamic and interactive, which is important, especially when teaching online.

Students will always leave my sessions feeling a sense of achievement. I set rigorous learning outcomes and ensure they are always met. Once knowledge is acquired, exam technique is key. I ensure students understand the requirements of the different components of the exam and are able to deploy their knowledge to secure top marks. I have a wealth of resources, including model answers and 'cheat sheets', that I have updated year on year according to examiner reports.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Spanish
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


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Teaching House2019ProfessionalCELTA
Ark Schools2016QTSHistory Teaching
Goldsmiths, University of London2016PGCEPGCE in Education
University of Birmingham2014BachelorsBA History and American & Canadian Studies
University of Birmingham2014BachelorsBA History and American & Canadian Studies Joint Honours
Rating from 2 references


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