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Biology Tuition in Buckingham

I have a BSc in Ecological Science and after completing my degree took the opportunity to travel for a time in South Africa taking part in a number of Conservation initiatives. One of these involved going into local schools and delivering an education program with the aim of increasing awareness of the value of protecting the natural habitat and the species found within. This experience led me to pursue a career in Education upon my return and I have now been teaching Science in a highly achieving Comprehensive Secondary School for 15 years.

Tutoring Experience

I currently teach the AQA Biology Specification at GCSE and OCR Biology Specification at Key Stage 5 but have also been involved in the delivery of other exam boards in the past which I’m happy to accommodate. I have set up, managed and delivered Applied Science BTEC at both level 2 and 3 for a number of years along with OCR Environmental Science at GCSE. Whilst Biology is my specialism I would be happy to assist with anyone studying Combined Science at GCSE and this is also something that I have taught previously.

Tutoring Approach

Over the years I’ve worked with students of varying abilities and always aim to foster an encouraging and nurturing relationship in order to maximise their motivation and sense of achievement. I strongly believe that there really is no such thing as ‘a silly question’ and find that keeping an open dialogue is vital in order for me to assess and develop a student’s understanding.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Cambridge2008PGCEPGCE
DeMontfort University2005BachelorsEcological Science
Oakgrove School2009QTSScience
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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