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I have always enjoyed maths, and look to be able to share the parts which I enjoy about it to my students. I studied maths at university and have taught private lessons as an aside since graduating.
The logical way of thinking which I developed while doing my maths degree has helps me greatly in a range of everyday situations and has been an important part of making me who I am today. I have also invested a lot of time in learning languages, where this clear and logical way of thinking which I have developed from studying maths has helped me progress.
In the last couple of years I have also been working for an organisation in Shrewsbury (Marches Energy Agency) in the effort to minimise the effects of climate change. This has increased my capabilities to work in a range of situations and diversified my skills set.
At present my main focus is on helping people learn languages through innovative and entertaining methods, I would still like to continue with my maths teaching as a side line, as I very much enjoy teaching people maths and I have a lot to offer with my understanding ability of people's thought processes.

Tutoring Experience

I spent 3 years living in Spain after graduating where I taught English and maths at the equivalent of GCSE, A Level and University level, all through the medium of the Spanish Language. Since returning I have been giving Spanish lessons and look to restart teaching maths.

Tutoring Approach

With maths (and physics): I like to help my students work out the answers step by step themselves, this may involve the explanation of a few simple rules, which would then be followed by practice questions exercises to consolidate these rules and how they work. We would then build on these with the next level of rules, and some subsequent exercises. Wherever possible I make it easy for the student to be able to work out the answer themselves, this then builds their confidence and also helps them remember what to do independently so that they can do it on their own later on.
It is very important to have solid foundations in maths, so that when the more difficult questions come along later on the pupil doesn't have to exert too much mental energy doing the simple things, they can concentrate on the additional elements of the problem.
It is important with my lessons that the pupils are able to spend time between lessons doing the homework which I set.

With Spanish: Learning languages is fun, and it's rewarding. It is of fundamental importance to me that my students like learning, if they like doing it they'll learn better and they'll put more time into learning. I also put a lot of stress on giving my pupils the confidence to speak, so a lot of the lesson is based on building this ability.

LanguagesEnglish (British), French, Portuguese, Spanish
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Imperial College London2004MastersMathematics

Gregory's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)1
Rating from 2 references


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