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Maths and Physics Lessons in Cheadle

I'm Harri, a passionate educator and scientist finishing off a PhD in Medical Robotics. I've found a love for education in recent years, finding a real joy in seeing students learn and hearing their feedback that I've helped them find love for the subject and achieved their goals. I'm a huge nerd, spending most of my free time doing my personal research in theoretical biophysics and computing, reading and writing. I'm also pretty arty, occasionally taking on music, painting and drawing projects. When not doing that, I keep fit cycling, running and climbing.

Tutoring Experience

I've taught since A-level, where I volunteered to help year 7 students who struggled with basic maths. In my PhD, I've taught a variety of topics to undergraduates including fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, mechanics, physics, coding, robotics and maths.

Tutoring Approach

To me, understanding and passion for a subject is critical in my own life and I move to embue students with the same. This world is fascinating and learning about it is a gift. When students find that spark, they can learn anything. I like to guide students into building their own methods of understanding a topic, easing them through examples so that they have the confidence to tackle similar problems independantly.
With students, we can walk through examples together, having an open discussion with no stupid questions. My goal is to invoke a desire in the student to continue with what we learn together in their own time aswell, so that in their exams and school work they find it second nature, and maybe even fun!

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Manchester2020Bachelors1st Mechanical Eng w/ Hons
Rating from 2 references


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