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Online Maths and Physics Lessons

I have recently finished working abroad as a maths teacher and decided to take a break from the traditional classroom teaching. Therefore, I can only offer online teaching through zoom or skype. My inspiration to teach stems from a passion to influence positively and educate the future generations as a role model through the subjects of Mathematics and Science. I wish to bring this passion into future maths and science sessions to ensure that I inspire you /your child to achieve their personal best.

Tutoring Experience

I have been teaching and tutoring maths and physics in the UK since 2012 . However my teaching experience goes back all the way to 2001 as I used to teach maths in Turkey.

Tutoring Approach

I always have a fresh start to each lesson to identify what my students already know about that particular topic and what needs to be done to progress further.
My approach to tutoring is to cater my lessons to the student learning style.
I like to use innovative ways of teaching by using different teaching methods an techniques and a variety of resources and materials such as power point, games, puzzles, online resources, and videos.
I encourage my students to be active and creative in their learning. I make sure that I am provided feedback regularly throughout the lesson to decide if I need to change my teaching technique.
I am flexible and would go the extra mile in order to accommodate my students in terms of tutoring time and location

LanguagesEnglish (British), Greek, Turkish
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of South Wales2014QTSBSc (Hons) Mathematics and Science with QTS
Anadolu University, Turkey2011BachelorsBBA Business Administration
Rating from 2 references


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