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I am a fully qualified teacher with experience as Lecturer in the University of London, University of Reading and University of Winchester. I have a Masters in English Literature an a post graduate qualification in Applied Linguistics. I am passionate about education and learning, and am always willing to take on a new challenge.

Tutoring Experience

I have 15 years teaching and tutoring experience in English and English as a Foreign language.
I have taught in secondary schools at GCSE and A-Level and in Universities.
I have tutored KS2 for SATs and entrance exams.
I have a very good success rate with IELTs students.
I have an extremely high success rate with students, both in the classroom and in tailored sessions.
I have been teaching maths and foundation skills for the past 4 years, as a second subject.

Tutoring Approach

I offer a tailored approach to tutoring, based on the needs of the pupil, their own learning style and whether they need support or extension work. I have worked with children and adults with various Special Educational Needs. I offer the first session as a "freebie" so I can get to know the student, understand their learning style and to make sure we can work together. I know my subjects very well, and I adapt the style of lessons to suit the learner.

I mostly work from my home or online. I can sometimes accommodate students in their own home, but this is subject to my availability and will incur additional travel costs.

LanguagesEnglish (British), French
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Southampton2008MastersEnglsih Literature
University of Winchester2007BachelorsEnglish
University of Beppu, Japan2006ProfessionalDTTL Equiv
Oxford Brookes2017QTSEnglish

Helen's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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