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Online German and Spanish Tuition

I am a German language coach. I have been living and working in Germany for many years after having lived 8 years in South America where I also went to the German School. I have also lived 6 years in the UK where I worked for different companies and schools. I have practically grown up trilingually and later became a language correspondent. I love to teach languages and always happy to see the progress in my students.

Tutoring Experience

30 years teaching experience.
1:1 -ONLY- online tuition (prívate lessons & companies)
Group -ONLY- online tuition (private tuition & companies)
Exam preparations (GCSE & University, TELC, TOEFL, LCCI)
Translations, Presentation training, Business English & Spanish, Telephone training) - Skype coaching

Tutoring Approach

I love to teach languages. It is always fantastic and a pleasure for me to help people to learn a new language or improve existing knowledge and be part of their successful learning.

LanguagesGerman, English (British), Spanish
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Private internacional language academy1991OtherLanguage correspondent German Chamber of Commerce

Heyka's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 3 references


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