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Online Maths and Physics Tutoring

I have been tutoring for thirteen years and have experience of all the major exam boards (AQA, OCR, Edexcel and WJEC) as well as entrance exams for the 11+ and 13+. I am also an examiner for AQA, OCR and CIE. I have a BSc degree in Physics, an MSc in Science Education and a PGCE in Science. I have five years experience as a Head of Department in a large London secondary school.

Tutoring Experience

As an experienced school teacher, I have guided students through the UCAS process for ten years and would be happy to read and redraft personal statements. This may be of particular benefit for those applying to study Physics, Engineering and Medicine based courses.

Tutoring Approach

I believe the most important aspect of tutoring is to stimulate interest in the subject - once this happens, the whole learning process becomes much easier!

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


University of Oxford2013MastersMSc Learning and Teaching
University of Leeds2009PGCEScience (Physics) with QTS
University of Warwick2007BachelorsBSc Physics
Rating from 2 references


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