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Home Tuition for Latin and Greek (Ancient) in Oxford

I am a Classics graduate with a passion for ancient literature and language.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught students from as young as 9, to mature adult learners, and from beginner's language all the way to university literature tutorials. I have been tutoring for half a decade now, with hundreds of hours experience under my belt, and I have yet to receive less than a five-star review!

Tutoring Approach

My teaching philosophy is to tailor my classes to meet students at their level, incorporating games for younger students, and interesting enrichment reading for older students, to ensure that my students are progressing at a pace which suits them, while also having fun. I've always been fascinated by the ancient world, and I love sharing this with my students.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


University of Oxford2024DoctorateDPhil in Classical Languages and Literature
University of Oxford2020MastersMSt in Greek and/or Latin Languages and Literature
University of Oxford2019BachelorsBA (Hons) Literae Humaniores (Classics)
Rating from 2 references


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