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Private Online English and Chemistry Tuition

I am a first year medical student at Bristol Medical School. I undertook mathematics, biology and chemistry at A-Level, securing the grades AA*A* respectively. At GCSE level, I achieve 3A* in all the sciences and 5 A's in subjects including English Language and Mathematics. In applying for medical school, I performed the UKCAT examination, scoring an average of 730. With a background in drama and acting additionally, which have gone hand-in-hand with my appreciation for literature, I believe I am able to analyse writing and its impacts carefully and completely. In order to maintain my hobbies alongside my educational focus at university, I have adopted a variety of new techniques as well as honed previous ones, which, I believe, may be able to provide you with long-lasting benefit as they have done for me.

Tutoring Experience


Tutoring Approach

I begin by analysing any issues a student has, either with their feelings towards a subject/topic, and attempting to make them see the positive attitude towards it. If the student is not intrinsically motivated, which I'm sure they will be if they are pursuing people to help them on their journey, then I will attempt to engage their mindset first. Secondly, using the revision techniques I have (with an especial attention to detail, focus on active recall, consolidation and understanding of the information learnt prior to application), I will ensure that we engage with topics in a thorough manner.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Warwick School2021SchoolA* in A-Level Biology
Warwick School2021SchoolA* in A-Level Chemistry
Warwick School2021SchoolA in A-Level Mathematics
Rating from 2 references


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