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I have taught in schools, colleges and as a private tutor for twenty five years. Whether one-to-one or in a class situation I have developed a teaching style that centres on the individual. Essential to my success over the years has been my ability to listen to a student and analyse their needs then put in place a scheme of work that will accomplish the targets set. I teach Social Science (Psychology and Sociology) Philosophy and English. My focus in a lesson plan might include work on elucidation of theories, ideas or methods, but also I cover work on writing skills and essay planning as often it seems it is not so much the content but the expression in written form that holds a student back. When teaching I work by finding a technique that helps make the work clearer for the student. One example would be the use of comparisons to bring different perspectives to a difficult idea.

Tutoring Experience

I have 25 years experience of:
private tuition including 11+, GCSE, A level and degree.
teaching A level in schools.
teaching A levels and access to HE in colleges.
tutoring at University.
Tutoring in secondary and primary schools.
I also mark A levels for AQA.

Tutoring Approach

See above.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (daytime)
References Available On File


Lancaster University1992BachelorsBA Philosophy
Lancaster University1995MastersMSc Psychology

Ian's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)1
Rating from 2 references


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