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Private Maths and Physics Tutor in Lancaster

Hi, I'm a 2nd Year Mechatronic Engineering Student at Lancaster University. I tutor part-time because throughout my years of studying, I have been told by my struggling peers that I am a really great teacher; from both my method, patience and going a step further to really explain a difficult concept.

I really enjoy tutoring, it comes very naturally to me and I find it very fulfilling when my students come back and tell me how well they did in their exam because of my help.

I believe that however we are all students, constantly learning and improving, so I attend at least one teaching seminar per year that focuses on communication techniques in teaching.

Tutoring Experience

I tutored online an A-Level Biology Student for over half a year. I have tutored my family during 6th form as well. And I helped my friends to do well in their A-Levels by teaching them what I could.

I am currently tutoring 1 GCSE Student with Math. In the past I have tutored another GCSE Student and he really looked forward to the lessons because we chatted a little about our common interests as well.

I am currently tutoring 2 Primary School children (one who has autism) and they both really look forward to my lessons as I make questions tailored specifically to their interests.

Tutoring Approach

No matter what subject I am tutoring, I have the same approach. To prepare them exactly for what test they will be given so that they get an A*. I don't waste time on questions that wouldn't come up on exams, I give homework and teach directly from past papers so that whichever exam your child will sit (SATs, GCSE or A-Level), they will learn how to get full marks in their next exam!

I will teach you the best revision technique for learning any content-heavy subject such as A-Level Biology. This is using active recall and spaced repetition. This will be achieved using Flashcards, Past papers and Seneca.

The average length of a lesson is 1 hour. But if 2 hours is preferable for you, this is also suitable.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


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Dixons Sixth Form Academy2022CollegeA Level Biology
Dixons Sixth Form Academy2022CollegeA Level Math
Dixons Sixth Form Academy2022SchoolA Level Physics

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