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Online French and Italian Tuition

My name is Ileana and I am passionate about languages. I have lived in 3 different countries and qualified to teach both adults and young learners. I have been teaching French and Spanish GCSE for 11 years in the UK. Lately I have expanded my teaching experience in primary schools whilst continuing to teach Italian to adults. Teaching different ages and abilities in different contexts and to different nationalities, have helped me become a versatile language teacher ready to adapt and personalise lessons to support you reach your learning objectives. Whether you are struggling with your GCSE or looking to learn a new language, I can help! I don't recycle lessons, I make them for you!

Tutoring Experience

I have 12 years experience teaching 4 languages in different contexts, to different nationalities and ages. I taught English as Foreign Languages in Italy and the UK. I have been teaching Spanish and French GCSE for 10 years in secondary schools. I have been teaching Italian to adults since 2011 and transmitting to my students my passion for the Italian language and culture.

Tutoring Approach

I personalise my lessons as I believe they should reflect you and support you to achieve your goals. I make my lessons fun and listen to your feedback.

LanguagesRomanian, English (British), Italian, French, Spanish
AvailabilityWeekdays (daytime)
References Available On File


University of Milan2004MastersDegree in Modern Foreign Languages
University of Genova2005MastersMaster in Economic Translation
University of Cambridge through Teacher Training2007ProfessionalCelta
University of Portsmouth2011PGCEPGCE in Languages (French, Spanish)
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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