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History Tuition in Romsey

History Undergraduate offering tutoring for GCSE students, or those wishing to learn more about the subject.

Tutoring Experience

I am a student of History at the University of Southampton, with a particular interest in the Early Modern period, specifically the Reformation and English Civil Wars. Before University I achieved A grades at A Level in the subjects I now tutor. At GCSE I achieved at least an A* in all the subjects I teach.

Tutoring Approach

I focus on building confidence around exam questions, especially in areas that are typically seen as more challenging - such as source interpretation. For instance, I believe in teaching course content through the use of sources, thus making students more confident at interpreting them in an exam environment. I also encourage students to contact me with questions or problems they are having at any time - I always respond as quickly as possible!

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Winchester College2020CollegeHistory - Cambridge Pre-U
Winchester College2020CollegeEnglish - Cambridge Pre-U
Winchester College2020CollegeTheology & Philosophy - Cambridge Pre-U
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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