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Woolton/ Hunts Cross South Liverpool-based Head of secondary Maths, with a background in engineering and chemistry.

I have a calm demeanour and a patient approach which I find helps students to quickly build a good rapport with me and relax in my company, allowing them to easily express their concerns and difficulties in their subject.

Tutoring Experience

Prior to teaching, I worked as an industrial chemist and an oil & gas corrosion engineer.

Realising that I had a passion for teaching, I moved to Liverpool and retrained as a Secondary Maths Teacher. I have now been teaching for 10 years and have been a Head of Maths for over 3 years. I have taught students at all levels of attainment and understanding from Year 7 to 13.

Tutoring for over 20 years, I have been very successful in my tuition with all my students improving in both their understanding and exam grades.

Tutoring Approach

Tuition focus is up to the student. I am happy to coach with exam techniques or focus on particular topics. I can apply real-life links and use diagrams or other strategies to ensure students understand the why, not just a method.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


RGU 2011MastersMSc Insturmental Analytical Science
Open University2010OtherHND Pure Mathematics
University of Manchester2016OtherPgC Corrosion Control Engineering
Liverpool Hope University2016PGCESecondary Mathematics

Jennifer's Feedback

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Rating from 2 references


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