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Online Maths and Chemistry Tutor

I am a Cambridge Medical Student offering online tutoring over the summer . If you feel as though your child needs some extra support in order to gain more confidence in a certain subject, I hope to be able to offer my services!

Tutoring Experience

I have Ben tutoring for 5 years. I have prior experience tutoring GCSE students and I’ve been able to help them to achieve the grades they want.

Qualifications: 4A*S and an A at A-Level for Biology, Chemistry, Spanish, EPQ and Maths respectively.

Enhanced DBS Check

Tutoring Approach

I tend to teach remotely through either zoom or Skype and through the use of my iPad I am able to teach so that the students are able to see my drawings on my screen as I am drawing them (through the screen share tool). I am patient and adaptive in my teaching technique.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


North London Collegiate School2020SchoolMaths A Level
North London Collegiate School2018SchoolEnglish GCSE
North London Collegiate School2020SchoolBiology A Level
North London Collegiate School2020SchoolChemistry
North London Collegiate School2020SchoolSpanish
Rating from 2 references


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