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Private History and Geography Tuition in Oxford

School teacher and personal tutor. Expertise is within the Humanities, notably History (ancient and modern) and Philosophy & Religious Studies. I also teach Geography to GCSE level.
I attend lectures and courses in the humanities, and engage in professional development as a teacher.

Tutoring Experience

Sep 2006-Aug 2009: Religious Studies Coordinator & History Teacher, Sherfield School, Hampshire (independent school).

2009/10 academic year - The Abbey School (independent girls school in Reading, England). Contract position as Philosophy of Religion teacher & (IB) Lecturer in Theory of Knowledge (Years 12-13).

2010/11 academic year - contract position Denefield School, Reading, England, (state school). English and History Teacher (Years 7-9 & GCSE).

Sep 2011 to July 2014. Worked as a Supply Teacher for Monarch Education while based in Oxford. Supply teaching for state schools in Oxfordshire.

2014/15 academic year - returned to the independent sector with a contract position teaching History at Gordonstoun School (Scotland).

2015/16 academic year - Philosophy & History tutor (GCSE & A Level students). Worked at Oxford Science Studies (OXSS) & Carfax Tutorial College.

Sep 2017-Aug 2019 - Aldenham School, Hertfordshire, England (independent). Contract position teaching Religious Studies (GCSE) & Philosophy (A Levels).

2019/20 academic year - Repton School, Derbyshire, England (independent). Contract position teaching Religious Studies & Philosophy.

Sep 2020-Present - tutor of history for Oxford Removed(Oxford), tutor of history at RemovedCollege (Oxford) & Theory of Knowledge (IB) tutor for the RemovedTutoring Agency, based in Monaco.

Have worked with secondary students on a range of topics, including world religions, ancient, medieval and modern history, philosophy of religion, epistemology and broader issues related to ethics and morality.

My academic & professional path has fortified an array of skill sets in research and planning capabilities within the social sciences and humanities. These are skill-sets that I aim to pass on to and help inculcate in students that I tutor.

Tutoring Approach

Some 18 years experience as a teacher, including a variety of class settings and types of students.
I work with the skills students have and build - step by step - deeper analytical and critical faculties through the use of subject material and activities. Questions, ideas, pulling apart issues and thinking about steps taken help students to grow in their abilities. Finally, dialogue and discussion and directed help with exam practice is at the heart of my methodology.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Queensland, Australia.2006BachelorsBachelor of Education (Graduate Entry)
University of Queensland, Australia.2004BachelorsHonours Thesis (B.A.)
University of Queensland, Australia.2003BachelorsBachelor of Arts (Classics/History & Religion)
Moore Theological College, Australia2002CollegeCertificate of Theology

Joshua's Feedback

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Rating from 3 references


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