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Maths and English Tuition in Oldham

I am a highly qualified full time National and International tutor who works face to face, online and in Primary School settings. I have 12 years experience and current work practice in planning and delivering learning for children with a range of needs including children with special educational needs.

I left working as a full time Primary School teacher to dedicate my time to nurture and educate our future generation through tutoring. I am currently teaching the following year groups:

Nursery - Reception

Year 1 - Year 8

I teach and tutor children with a range of needs. I adapt my teaching to cater to the needs of the children whilst ensuring they are being challenged.

I am extremely passionate about my job and want to offer my expertise to parents who are in need of a tutor.

I have the experience and expertise to boost your children's academic ability and teach them life skills. I also provide support to children prepping for their 11+ exam.

Tutoring Experience

I am in my 7th year of teaching.

I have taught Early Years, KS1 and KS2 in the Primary setting and teach children in Year 5 - 6 1:1 or 1:6 as a Private Tutor.

I am a RWI Phonics teacher.

I have implemented the Mastery Maths approach in the Primary setting and have delivered training to teachers in adopting to the Mastery of Maths approach successfully.

I have also led MFL successfully and developed my own scheme work which had a positive impact on the staff, parents and children.

I implemented BLP and developed strategies in school to help children become resourceful learners. It allowed children to develop a positive attitude towards their learning by making them also understand the type of learners they are and helping them develop their emotional intelligence.

Aside from my 6 years of teaching, I have also worked in Early Child Care settings for over 4 years.

Tutoring Approach

My teaching style is based on nurturing children to develop positive learning behaviours as this will help children make accelerated progress in all areas of their learning and in real life situations. Learning starts with good learning behaviours.

Amongst many of my positive teaching styles, I also allow children to grow through failure by using 'purposeful failing' . Simply meaning giving children a problem solving task knowing they will fail the first time. The children are then encouraged to keep trying until they have found a way to solve the problem. In return building resilience, perseverance and making them become resourceful learners.

Parent Testimonial - My child who is in Reception started with Juleykha and now has progressed to working at Year 1 level in reading, writing and maths. I cannot thank her enough.

Parent Testimonial 2 - My child who is speech and language delayed struggled with retention and had no awareness of her phonics sounds. My child now knows her set 1 sounds and has started to blend words orally. Her speech has come along too as Juleykha has been working on her speech through book discussions and vocabulary building.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Huddersfield2015BachelorsNutrition & Public Health
Manchester Metropolitan University2016PGCEPGCE Primary QTS
Rating from 2 references


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