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I am a qualified maths teacher with a first class mathematics degree. I work in a mainstream inner London school. Currently tutoring on a flexible timetable. I have a passion for teaching and learning and designing personalised teaching materials and plans. With more than 15 years experience in a variety of subjects. I have the confidence that I can help ALL my students to aim high as I believe everyone has an A* or grade 9 capability, with the correct guidance.

Tutoring Experience

I have taught in various secondary schools in London and have 14 years experience within schools full-time. I have taught Mathematics, ICT, Science, Art, Textiles and Business Studies. I have helped mentor new teachers into the world of teaching, from different subject fields and love sharing my experiences to help them achieve goals and become Expert teachers. I truly respect knowledge and value all learning outcomes, because education changes a persons character and teaches us dicipline.I believe my degree in mathematics aids my teaching; with a strong subject knowledge, it’s easy to give quick and effective examples for understanding. Exam papers are like fun quizzes/puzzles now as I've seen way too many exam papers throughout the years. I have privately tutored many pupils aged between 4 to 40 in a variety of subjects. The GCSE maths grades my students have achieved has been at its peak In the school, so well done to the students for working so hard! I am very proud of every single one of them, and wish them all the success. Also my private tutees have also done a fantastic job in their performance. Very proud of everyone!

Tutoring Approach

I think tutoring is a great way to enhance a students knowledge on a particular subject, I believe every person has a different approach to learning and I aim to adapt to their individual needs so they can gain that depth of understanding required. I have different approaches for my younger pupils (more interactive and playful) and my elder students (more theory and practice). Most importantly, unlike other tutors, I am flexible in listening to your feedback, I am ready to change my approach in teaching you if it will assist me in helping you better, I try to apply different teaching methods based on whether you are a visual or audio or kinaesthetic learner.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Bengali
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Institute Of Education2013PGCEQTS in Secondary Mathematics PGCE
Queen Mary University2010BachelorsFirst Class BSc in Mathematics
La Swap Sixth Form2007CollegeMaths, Chemistry, Further Maths
La Swap Sixth Form2007CollegeBiology

Jushna's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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