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I am a parent of wonderful children and enjoy seeing them develop and flourish.
I love nature and at the same time, I tremendously enjoy London busy life, entertainments and different sites to visit and explore.

Tutoring Experience

Throughout the last 20 years, I have taught French and Spanish to small groups and on one to one for children as young as 4 years old to adults of all ages. French is my native language and Spanish is a language I myself thrived at my teenage years.

Tutoring Approach

I have the ability to adapt myself to my students and get my students to feel comfortable and come out of their shell, trust me to help them in achieving their goals, and aim for outstanding targets.

As a native French, I teach French at all levels with my oldest student being over 80 who is interested in French and European laws. I also teach Spanish at primary and secondary levels. I travel to my students in and around London as the face to face is important. However, with the pandemic, the safety of all is crucial and so, teaching and learning remotely is the way forward where the focus is very much present with technology allowing so much work to be covered and resources shared, questions and answers all covered too.
My experience goes as far back as 2001 with families trusting me to do everything that is necessary, adapting the teaching style and strategies to respond to the student needs. I am very proud to have kept contact throughout the years with children as young as 4/5 who are now at university or some in their profession, having had gained an interest in the language and friendships being formed along the way.

I pride myself on the targets set and reached with consistency throughout the learning without it being a burden.

I am happy to offer my first lesson free of charge so that the student and myself can decide whether or not to enter this commitment with no obligation to go ahead if I am not the right teacher for them. This is only valid for potential students not entering examinations.

My greatest success throughout the last 20 years of teaching is without a doubt my most mature student reading French literature and taking a true enjoyment out of it! I believe that there must be a liking of the language to be able to fully develop the skills which then become a second nature!

Other successes involve young people having fallen behind and who are now within months of exams. The tone is set right from the start with the same objective of achieving the best possible results using revision material, past exam papers and progressing at fast pace considering the timescale. I would share my resources with my tutees to help them with their learning.

Teaching being a passion of mine is even more rewarding when seeing my tutees gain confidence and realise their own progress.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.

LanguagesFrench, Spanish
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Lycée Schweitzer1999ProfessionalTrilingual PA

Kamar's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
Casual Learner£20£12
Casual Learner£20£12
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