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Online German and History Lessons

I am a historian with degrees from the Central European University (Budapest-Vienna) and postdoc researcher experience at the University of Oxford. I offer tutoring in History to degree level, and in German to A Level. As a researcher, I can help students and researchers to improve their skills to read old handwritten or printed texts in German. I am a native speaker of Hungarian and I can teach it as a foreign language as well.
I have nearly twenty years of experience working with children, teenagers, and young adults thanks to my volunteering experiences. My lessons are tailored to the skills and unique needs of the tutee and I love to use my creativity to make learning an enjoyable and personalized experience.

Tutoring Experience

I have twenty years of experience in formal, non-formal, and informal education. I have worked with various age groups and taught languages and history in a great variety of settings, including schools, museums, heritage sites, university courses, and extracurricular activities organized by NGOs.


I have always been committed to personalizing history, both in my research and teaching activities. My professional choices were often motivated by my endeavour to reduce the gap between the (often impersonal) analysis of large-scale historical trends and the (often too narrowly defined) individual experiences of historical actors. Thanks to my work experience in monument care, and then as a curator of a local history collection, I am prepared to use a broad set of material and digital resources in order to bring history closer to my tutees.

By curating exhibitions, providing research services, leading guided tours, coordinating volunteers, designing school competitions, and teaching historical handicraft techniques, I have learned to respond to the demands of a great variety of audiences. Thanks to regular contact with school groups, teachers, families, volunteering young adults and pensioners, tourists; professional and semi-professional researchers, I have learned how to seek out and make historical knowledge accessible according to the knowledge level, age, and interests of the audience I engage with.

As a postdoctoral researcher, I can support my tutees up to the degree level. I earned my doctoral degree at the Central European University (Budapest-Vienna) in 2020. My teaching experience at the university level mainly covered courses on the political, cultural, and economic history of Central Europe. I taught MA students at the Central European University, Erasmus students at the Charles University in Prague, and a very diverse group of female students at the Asian University for Women in Chattogram, Bangladesh. Since September 2020, I have been affiliated with the University of Oxford as a postdoctoral researcher and I also worked as a tutor of history students at the university.


I am happy to offer tutoring in German as a foreign language and in German palaeography as well. This means that I can support my students to learn how to read handwritten German texts, with a focus on the period between the 16th to the early 20th century. Thanks to various fellowships, I lived in Germany and Austria for two years during my doctoral studies and I use German in my everyday work as a researcher to read academic texts and historical sources.

Tutoring Approach

I am dedicated to showing my tutees that History is an exciting and enjoyable subject. I support them to achieve their study goals by helping them to find their own passion for History. I am highly interested in gamification and I creatively use digital collections, online resources, and a great variety of teaching methods to bring history to life for my students.

AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


Central European University2020DoctorateHistory
Central European University2013MastersHistory
University of Szeged2007MastersHistory
Horvath Mihaly Gimnazium2001CollegeSecondary Education Graduation Certificate = GCE Advanced (A) level
Rating from 2 references


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