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Online Maths and Chemistry Tuition

I am currently a third year medical student at Imperial Collage London. I'm very friendly and approachable. And I have ample experience working with children of all ages.
I am an avid violinist as well as martial artist in my spare time.
I speak spanish fluently, and have also enjoyed studying other languages, but my passion lies in the sciences.
I look forward to meeting you and embarking on an exciting academic adventure.

Tutoring Experience

I have tutored IGCSE biology, maths Spanish, Latin and chemistry in the past, and I've found this experience both enjoyable and enriching.
At the moment I'm only offering online lessons.
I also have experience with younger children, as I spent two years volunteering with mentally disable children - an experience I have thoroughly enjoyed!
I consider myself to be patient, and find it easy to communicate with people, so I have been successful conveying complicated ideas simply in the past.

Tutoring Approach

I primarily support the principle of self learning - meaning that I always encourage my student to attempt an answer to any question they may have. I believe you cannot learn simply by being told what is correct, but by building on your own knowledge and impressions.
I an happy to help with homeworks and courseworks, however I will also be setting aside some time to understanding principles. I tend to set my own homework that I expect to be completed before each session.
I am happy to teach GCSE, A levels and IB diploma in the subjects specified.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Spanish
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


North London Collegiate School2010SchoolIGCSE Spanish and Mathematics
North London Collegiate a School2011SchoolIGCSE Chemistry, Biology and Latin
North London Collegiate School2011SchoolAdditional Mathematics
North London Collegiate School2013SchoolIB diploma (maths, chemistry, biology, Spanish, English, history)
Rating from 2 references


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