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Home Tuition for Maths and Physics in Basingstoke

I have started ONLINE TUITION and it has certainly helped the students to continue their learning. I hold Bachelors Degree in Computer Science and Engineering (Hons) and have worked since 1996 as a teacher and as a manager in IT field. I have a wide experience of working with children and adults of many different ages, in small groups or on an individual basis. I am very confident to teach maths, physics and computer studies for secondary and higher level students. I am well organised and manage time effectively.

Tutoring Experience

I have been teaching maths, computer studies, IT and physics for more than ten years for many different ages. Also I have worked as an examiner and as a moderator widening my expertise in teaching sector.

Tutoring Approach

I like to teach learning fun with lots of activities. I believe that children have their own ways of learning. By identifying those, I will guide them through practical work as much as possible. Practical work lives longer than paper work in the minds of young children. I carry out individual assessment from time to time to monitor and evaluate their progress. Tutees and their parents are always welcome to discuss with me if they have any difficult areas within the subject to concentrate more.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Moratuwa1995BachelorsBSc (Hons) in Computer Science and Engineering
University of London2022MastersMSc in Mathematics

Kalutara's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)1
Rating from 2 references


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