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Private Physics and Chemistry Tutor in Dereham

I really enjoyed Science when I was at school, but never thought that I would end up teaching it! I have not always been a teacher but started my working life as a Dispenser for Boots and then completed my degree with the Open University as a mature student, so I know what its like to struggle with your studies! I completed my PGCE at Portsmouth University and my passion for teaching was made ever stronger, so I know that I followed the right path! I am a good communicator and can deliver information in a way to suit each individual learner, so that they have the best chance of success!

Tutoring Experience

I have been teaching Science in secondary schools since 2000 and have a specialism in Physics. I have taught mostly KS3 and Triple Science at GCSE along with BTEC courses. I have a vast subject knowledge and a wealth of experience to back this up!

Tutoring Approach

I have a relaxed teaching style, but I will make sure that appropriate work is covered in each session. I am passionate and enthusiastic about my subject, which I hope will be infectious! I use various teaching methods and will ensure that I use your preferred learning style to enable you to access all the materials that I use. I will follow appropriate schemes of work for all the exam boards and ensure that all appropriate topics are covered in suitable detail.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Open University 2006BachelorsBSc Natural Sciences with Environmental Science
Portsmouth University 2008PGCESecondary Science
GTC 2008QTSQTS Secondary Science
Hertfordshire University 2014ProfessionalPhysics Subject Enhancement

Laura's Feedback

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