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Maths and English Lessons in Worcester


Thank you for viewing my profile.

I'm Laura, I live in Worcester and I am a professional tutor. I help children with English up to GCSE level, maths at primary level, and both Italian and English as a foreign language. I also support children who are having trouble accessing mainstream education in a more holistic way, and in more recent years I've worked increasingly with neurodivergent children.

When I'm not working, I am home educating my son, looking after my pets and working on my allotment.

Tutoring Experience

I trained as a primary school teacher in 2015 through the School Direct route at the University of Worcester. I worked as a class teacher and also as a TA in primary schools.

I tutored alongside work in schools for some years and then since 2018 it has been my main profession.

Tutoring Approach

I adapt my style and content to the objectives of the learner. Having taught in lots of different contexts, I'm quite comfortable planning lessons to particular points of interest, areas for development or course requirements. However, the lessons, although productive, should never be a chore for either tutor or tutee.

LanguagesEnglish (British), Italian
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Worcester2015PGCEPGCE in Primary Education
University of Leeds2014BachelorsBA Hons Italian and Linguistics (First Class)
Rating from 2 references


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