Laura has been an excellent tutor, helping my daughter with her second year medical school exams. Laura is both highly knowlegable and a great teacher. She has greatly improved my daughter's confidence and skills. I hope she will continue to tutor her up to her finals and beyond. My daughter and I highly recommend Laura.
Thank you, Paul, for your kind words. Your daughter is a pleasure to teach, and I have enjoyed working with her also :)
From Navin
I would like to thank Laura for her help in regards to my OSCEs. Although we had limited time I was able to learn a lot from Laura and I significantly improved in my OSCEs which is a testament to her skills and knowledge.She was very approachable and clear in her tutoring. Being an examiner herself, she was able to give me tips on how to achieve more marks in OSCEs from an examiner’s point of view. She also went above and beyond by checking in on me outside our one to one sessions to ensure if I needed extra help. As such , she has developed a great rapport with me. I would highly recommend Laura to any medical student looking to gain confidence in their OSCEs and also looking for a mentor to guide them through medical school. Thank you very much again Laura for your help and support.
Thank you Navin for your wonderful feedback. It was a pleasure tutoring you. Do stay in touch!
From Emily
Laura saved me from positive disaster in my exams. She gave me conscience, clear teaching. She boosted my confidence in the written exam but also in the OSCE. She was patient and non judgemental, which was key as I felt I could be honest about my understanding of the content.
Thank you Emily for your kind words. It has been a pleasure tutoring you and I’ve always looked forward to our sessions. Wishing you all the best!
From Adhm
Having expereince with Dr for OSCE preparation, I can say with confidance :Excellent Tutor. preparers/builds plan for for her student and tails it indivudualy, motivated and sincere, Highly recommended.
It’s been a pleasure - thank you!
From Nikolas
Laura was an excellent tutor.
Thank you very much for your kind words. It was a pleasure tutoring you! If you ever want any tuition in the future, feel free to let me know :)
From Marijudy
The best teacher ever❤️
Thank you Marijudy for your kind words. You have been a pleasure to tutor. I wish you all the best for the future!
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