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Home Tuition for English in Hamilton

I am an experienced English teacher working in South Lanarkshire. I have taught at all levels of the curriculum including National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher. I am also an SQA exam marker.

Tutoring Experience

In addition to my experience as a classroom teacher, I have also tutored since my third year of University.

Tutoring Approach

I am friendly, approachable, patient and supportive. My pupils and tutees respond well to my teaching approach and enjoy their learning experience. I adapt well to my learner's needs and styles. My experience in the classroom equips me with a sound knowledge of curriculum content and expectations necessary for succeeding in the subject. My approach to tutoring is initially pupil led, with the pupil presenting any specific areas of concern that they have, as we work together and the pupil builds confidence, I will highlight additional areas for development. I have always received excellent feedback from my tutees.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Edinburgh2015PGCESecondary English Teaching
University of Glasgow2013BachelorsEnglish Literature &Psychology (2:1)
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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