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Online Psychology and Study Skills Tuition

I am Senior Lecturer within Psychology with 10+ years of teaching experience at university level. My passion is to ensure that learning is accessible, which reflects my teaching/support style. I am also autistic and have a child with learning disabilities- as such, I will work with you to understand your needs and how I can best support you. I have supported many dissertation projects over the years of working within undergraduate and postgraduate psychology provisions, and eager to continue that support with projects outside of my day-to-day work .

I am particularly passionate about supporting core study skills (e.g. essay writing, report writing, critical writing, literature reviewing, managing large documents (e.g. dissertations), data handling).

Currently due to my low avaliability I only offer proof reading/editing services (e.g. dissertations, reports, proposals, bids, essays/assessments, preperation for role plays etc.), and can offer the occassional online/phone support session. I also will only support students from Undergraduate-Postgraduate programmes, from within the area of Psychology and related disciplines.

Tutoring Experience

Professional background
Current role:
Senior Lecturer'Programme Lead for a large Child and Adolescent Mental Health postgraduate programme. I am also a tutor for another online-based university. Further, I am a chair of a local autism charity, En-Fold. I coordinate the research strategy and am involved in bidding for service delivery funds.

Previous roles:
Academic Skills Lecturer 1:1 support on academic writing (i.e.academic writing, critical evaluation, essay writing, report writing, dissertations etc.).
Psychology lecturer: focused primarily on mental health/cultural/social/developmental Psychology and research methods. Dissertation supervisor for many students

Academic Background
Qualifications: Degree in Psychology, first class MSc in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, PhD in mental health.

Other: Reviewer for several international Psychology journals (e.g. Journal of Gender Studies, Feminism and Psychology, Psychology of Womens Section). Previous (international) Psychology conference organiser (google: #PoEF15).

Tutoring Approach

Patience and compassion is key; particularly with research methods and academic jargon. I remember being the person that just could not get their head round the use of overly complex language used in journal articles and so my teaching style reflects the struggle that I experienced whilst learning.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Northampton2007BachelorsPsychology 2:1
University of Northampton2012MastersChild and Adolescent Mental Health
University of Stirling2020DoctoratePhilosophy: Mental Health in the Fire Service

Lauren's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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