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Maths and English Lessons in Bedford

I am a driven and ambitious individual with a passion for learning. As a result, encouraging and engaging students in their own learning is very important to me. Being a friendly and approachable person has helped students to engage in their learning quicker. I am dedicated to helping students succeed through a patient approach, personalising their learning to their own interests.

Tutoring Experience

As a fully qualified and experienced primary school teacher, I have a successful track record in ensuring children reach their full potential. I have taught in Luton and Bedford for the past 11 years and thoroughly enjoy providing children with the tools needed to explore the world around them, enabling them to become effective communicators, skilled mathematicians and inquisitive scientists. Ensuring the learning is accessible to each student provides them with the opportunities required to help them make excellent progress. I have taught a variety of ages from 5 to 11 years and more recently have assisted year 6 children to achieve outstanding results in their SATs.
I have tutored children between the ages of 5 – 11 years for the past 8 years with great success; whether it is through achieving fantastic SATs results or through accelerated learning recognised by their school teachers. I often receive positive feedback from their parents.

Tutoring Approach

I provide enjoyable yet focused sessions always aiming to achieve a learning objective. Each session is tailor-made to suit the needs of the individual. Encouraging a positive attitude towards learning, students are more inclined to make rapid progress. Developing exam techniques are also incorporated when teaching towards SATs.

After discussing specific needs with parents and agreeing on learning goals, I put together a unique learning programme which the student can engage in and most importantly make excellent progress.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (daytime)
References Available On File


Bangor University2011BachelorsBA Primary Education
Rating from 2 references


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