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Online Maths and Physics Tutor

Hi, my name is Malik! I have a First Class BSc of Computer Science from Keele University and currently working in the Tech Industry

Tutoring Experience

Passed my GCSES, and A levels and have gained a First Class Degree in Computer Science

Tutoring Approach

Every student is different and unique, therefore each lesson is tailored towards the students needs. First a rundown of the syllabus that is taught to the student at their school is looked at and where the week points for the student is are recognised.

The weak points will become the main focus, once the student is comfortable with the topics exam preparation can be looked at by looking at past papers as well as revision methods such as active recall and the pomodoro technique this also means that as a tutor I can see which concepts to go over again and explain in a easier way to understand.

Feedback is always encouraged so I can adjust to the students needs better

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


Keele University2021BachelorsComputer Science
Rating from 2 references


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