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Online Maths and Physics Tutoring

Hi! I'm Mallaika and I'm a certified tutor who is currently in my 5th year of Medicine at the University of Edinburgh. Having been in your place not too long ago, I remember just how intimidating the GCSEs and A levels can seem at first. However, I'm here to help get you through them and achieve the goals you set for yourself whilst hopefully reminding you just how fun and exciting STEM can be! I've tutored several students over the years and it was wonderful to watch them grow more bold and confident in their subjects. I teach all three sciences at GCSEs and a variety of exam boards. At A levels I teach various Chemistry and Biology boards, as well as Maths core and mechanics.

Tutoring Experience

I've been tutoring online for over 5 years and used to teach in person for 2 years prior to that. I have experience tutoring at schools as well which allowed me to develop a more professional tutoring style and gave me experience working with students of various abilities. Through the MyTutors School Programme, I have worked with children in disadvantaged schools all over the country, educating them and helping to build skills and confidence in my students. For A- level students, I'm also happy to answer questions about applying to universities and tell you any tips and tricks I have for making your application a success.

Tutoring Approach

I'm a friendly and flexible tutor and happy to adapt my approach according to what suits your needs best. I often focus on topic areas that the students told me they found more difficult or the topic they had covered last in class. Alternatively, with students who are struggling more, I'm happy to go through the syllabus methodically and cover it all chapter by chapter. Each student learns differently and I adapt my style as needed in order to tailor the sessions to suit individual needs.
Usually, my classes begin with a brief consolidation from the last session to make sure there are no gaps and you understood everything so far. Then I'll go on to explaining the new material, using textbooks or other resources to help demonstrate my points. At the end I'll throw in a few questions to check you've grasped what we've covered. My classrooms have a friendly and quite relaxed atmosphere and I encourage lots of questions as it's one of the best ways to build confidence and improve knowledge.
I'm also happy to point you towards additional resources if you'd like to do some self study, or mark any questions or past papers you’ve done so far.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


NLCS2017SchoolBiology A level (A*)
NLCS2017SchoolChemistry A level (A*)
NLCS2017SchoolPhysics AS level (A)
NLCS2017SchoolMaths A level (A*)

Mallaika's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


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