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French Lessons in Glasgow

My name is Margo and I'm 45 years old. I am a secondary school French and Spanish teacher. I am also an avid cyclist and in 2011 fulfilled my lifelong dream of cycling round the world. My 27,000 km, New Zealand to Scotland trip took 2 years to complete and was the best experience of my life so far. As for other interests, I am a keen mountain biker and take part in the Scottish cross country championships every year.

Tutoring Experience

Before leaving the UK in 2009, I had been working as a French tutor for almost 7 years. Much of my work came from tuition agencies, with whom I taught students up to University level. I taught French to adult learners at the Glasgow College of Commerce in 2007 and pre 5's in several nursery schools around Glasgow from 2004 to 2009. I studied French and German at the University of Glasgow and finished my degree in 2001. I have lived in France for several years and worked as an English assistant in a French school. I also worked as a nanny in the French Alps for a year and ran a ski chalet, again in the French Alps.

In 2015, I returned to university to undertake the PGDE course, which would qualify me as a secondary school French teacher. I also studied a Spanish degree at the University of Strathclyde whilst working full time and finished this in 2019. I am qualified to teach Spanish but French is, by far, my main language.

For the last 9 years, I have had excellent Nat 5, Higher and Advanced Higher results in classes for which I have had sole responsibility.

Tutoring Approach

Whether you are a parent looking to give their child a head start in foreign language learning, a Nat 5, Higher or Advanced Higher student struggling with exam practice or just an adult looking to learn a new skill, I am here to help. I am a highly skilled teacher and have helped many pupils achieve SQA exam success.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


University of Glasgow2015PGCEFrench
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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