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I am an experienced and creative online teacher committed to good practice and innovation. Currently using a variety of platforms and applications e.g. Classin and Zoom to deliver tuition 11 plus,13 and 16 Common Entrance exams globally. I also teach students at KS3 and KS4 for English Literature and Language students. I have successfully tutored students for entry into UK Public schools including Westminster, Eton, Brighton College, St. Paul’s and Wycombe Abbey).

Tutoring Experience

  1. Online English Language and Literature tutor-creating bespoke, high quality learning materials for individual student needs (2018 to present day) Previous employment 2014-2018
  2. Ipswich Tuition Centre, Ipswich –Tutor to small group KS3 and 4 (GCSE –AQA, Cambridge IGCSE, and Edexcel)
  3. Saxmundham Free School, Saxmundham, Suffolk- English teacher
  4. Hackney Learning Trust, Hackney, London E8 - ESOL Adult tutor

Tutoring Approach

My teaching approach is as follows-
1. to build a rapport with students which enables them to share their learning blocks and needs.
2. to build a programme together with the student with clear aims which focuses on what they hope to achieve.
3. to create an engaging lesson with a range of tasks to keep the student focused trhoughout.
4. to give regular feedback and also allow time for the individual student to self assess.
5. Regular testing, recap and opportunities for students to learn from errors.
6. Homework after each session .

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available On File


University College London1981BachelorsEnglish/ Sociology
Birmingham University1982ProfessionalPost Graduate Certificate in Youth and Community work
University of Suffolk2008PGCEPGCE Post Compulsory Education
Institute of Education, UCL2010MastersDevelopment Education
Rating from 2 references


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