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Maths and Physics Lessons in Welling

I have a Master of Engineering from Imperial College London (#2 University in the UK in Chemical Engineering and #6 worldwide!)
Grades Achieved:
GCSE - A* Maths, A* Chemistry, A* Biology, A* Physics, A English
A Level - A* Maths, A AS Further Maths, A* Chemistry, A Biology, A AS Electronics

My name is Mathusan, a Chemical Engineering graduate from Imperial College London with a passion for maths and the sciences. For as long as I remember, I've always been fascinated with the natural world, how it works and what more we can discover about it. As I learned more and more, I really wanted to share that with as many people as I could.

As a result, I gave lunchtime lessons to some of my friends during sixth form on topics they were not confident with and made sure I tailored the lessons for them, as every student learns differently and no way is the right way. There's nothing more rewarding than seeing a student that you taught to grow and become more knowledgeable in an area you're so passionate about, and that's what I want to do.

Tutoring Experience

I previously worked part-time as a tutor with AXIS tutoring during sixth form to teach a class of 6 students at GCSE level subjects covering all sciences and maths. Also, I volunteered to work with my teachers to organise and arrange lunchtime lessons for my peers on subjects that they found particularly difficult during the previous lesson, which attracted about 15 students per session with me as the lead teacher.

Tutoring Approach

TAILORED LESSONS means that I'll make sure to teach you in a way that you respond well to and welcome any feedback or suggestions on how to change the style of teaching.

GOING AT YOUR SPEED means that I will not rush you on topics, if you want to spend more time somewhere, we can, and if you are still struggling with something... that's fine! These topics are not meant to be understood instantly so taking our time on each area and moving to the next when you're confident is the best way to work.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Beths Grammar School2017SchoolA* Chemistry
Beths Grammar School2017SchoolA* Mathematics
Beths Grammar School2017SchoolA Biology
Beths Grammar School2017SchoolA Electronics
Imperial College London2021MastersMEng Chemical Engineering
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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