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Maths Lessons in Woking

I have been teaching for 2 years with great success. I have an amazing passion for Maths and being able to share that with other people. I moved into teaching straight out of university. I have a degree in mechanical engineering and a PGCE teaching degree in Maths.

I am currently available any day of the week for tutoring including weekends,

I can tutor for home or online.

Tutoring Experience

I have worked for 2 years within a Mathematics department at a well-performing school. I have taught all year groups within secondary (years 7 - 11). I have also taken part in running additional tutoring after school as part of the school and have worked one-on-one with students to ensure they achieve the grade they desire.

Tutoring Approach

I find building strong relationships with the students incredibly important, getting to know them so you can push them and get the most out of them. This helps to identify their weaknesses and strengths. I use the most up-to-date teaching techniques and stay up-to-date on any resources available that may be able to help students and any that can aid with exam practice. I always try to make sure that each and every lesson is personalised to the student.

Each session starts with a recap of prior learning before moving onto new content or diving deeper into any misconceptions or gaps in knowledge. I will ensure the pace of the lessons matches the student while making it challenging to their level.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available Not On File


University of Sussex2022PGCEPostgraduate certificate in education
Loughborough University2021BachelorsMechanical Engineering
Rating from 1 reference


Subjects taught
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