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Online English and Entrance Exams Tutoring

. I teach all levels and abilities of English, both in the private sector, schools, college and university, from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 7, from primary to 11+ or GCSE English Language & Literature, to UnderGraduate & PostGraduate and Proofreading any Level. I also teach ESOL. & ILETS I have been fortunate to have worked in a variety of colleges, schools and universities in Yorkshire and surrounding areas, and have experienced a wide variety of student ability. All my students/pupils achieve maximum potential with me, gaining A/A*/ Pass in whatever level required.. I always ensure all pupils/students achieve and invariably, exceed their expectations, whilst motivating, encouraging and supporting their learning. The positive results of one to one tuition will never be underestimated, as my past pupils will confirm.

Tutoring Experience

Consequently with careful planning of lessons, a vast range of resources, together with a wealth of knowledge and an abundance of inspiration, I ensure achievement in even the most reticent of learners. I believe a holistic approach successfully delivered, whilst supporting the educational needs of students from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds works best. This way I find that the teaching and learning process is easier for all, as it ensures each student has an equal opportunity to develop and flourish, whilst reaching their full potential. I devote many hours in preparing innovative, inspiring resources and have a large bank to accompany lessons.
Please feel free to view my website and read under 'Student Testimonials' on:
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Tutoring Approach

Consequently with careful planning of lessons, a vast range of resources, together with a wealth of knowledge and an abundance of inspiration, I ensure achievement in even the most reticent of learners. I believe a holistic approach successfully delivered, whilst supporting the educational needs of students from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds works best. This way I find that the teaching and learning process is easier for all, as it ensures each student has an equal opportunity to develop and flourish, whilst reaching their full potential. I devote many hours in preparing innovative, inspiring resources and have a large bank to accompany lessons.

English teaching is both a demanding and a fascinating area to be involved in, as language and its developments are central to our culture and identity. Subsequently, to be in a position to influence and inspire all learners to attain the best results and extend their language powers and knowledge in Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing is both a great achievement and a privilege to play a part in.
I am a conscientious Lecturer of English, who generates the best results by inspiring all learners to achieve, and my referees will stand as a testimony to this.

I would like to offer my services to you and look forward to meeting to you in the near future.
Kind regards
Melanie Robinson BA Hons PGCE/HE/FE

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of Huddersfield2002PGCEPost Graduate Certificate In Education Further Education & Higher Education PGCE/HE/FE (PCET)
University of Huddersfield2001BachelorsBA Hons English Studies
Calderdale College1997CollegeA-Level English Language (Grade A) A- Level English Literature (Grade A) A-Level Psychology
ASDAN2011ProfessionalASDAN Centre Co-ordinator

Melanie's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)20