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Online French and Spanish Lessons

I have a first class degree in French and Spanish. I am patient and kind and have several years of experience working with teenagers whilst tutoring and working in learning support departments and language departments in secondary schools usually on a 1:1 basis. This experience has made me aware of how important it is to really listen to the pupil and build a rapport to find out what their challenges are and then tailor the lessons accordingly in order to increase their confidence, ability, and self-belief in the languages.

I am half French, have my own teenagers, and I have spent many holidays in France. I have also lived and studied in France for 2 years and have studied in Spain.

Tutoring Experience

I have 4 years' tutoring experience and 8 years' experience of supporting pupils in secondary French and Spanish classes in school.

Examples of how I have helped pupils improve their grades are: improving a year 11 pupils Spanish grade from a 3 to a grade 5, tutoring a year 8 pupil in Spanish to successfully pass a grammar school entrance exam and helping a year 9 French pupil understand French tenses.

Tutoring Approach

When I start to work with a pupil, I explain the topic, give examples and will then ask the pupil to try to work out answers themselves using the information we go through at the beginning of the session and I encourage pupils to ask me questions if they are finding it challenging to work out the answers. Having said that, as I get to know a pupil, I adapt lessons according to how they learn best.

I go over previous topics as repetition in the key becoming more competent and confident. I use worksheets for reading and writing practice, games, speaking practice and listening exercises to check the pupils understanding and revisit in more depth areas a pupils find particularly challenging. This covers the four areas that are required in the secondary school French and Spanish curriculum. I work at the pupil's pace, providing encouragement and praise.

LanguagesEnglish (British), French, Spanish
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Thames Valley Univesity1997BachelorsBA Applied Language Studies in French and Spanish
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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