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Home Tuition for English and Religious Studies in Guildford

I am a passionate, creative and highly effective teacher with a huge amount of experience working with young children, GCSE students and A Level students. I firmly believe that a student’s success really is the product of hard work and excellent teaching. I am a compassionate and empathetic teacher who forms excellent relationships with my students and works to get the best out of them.

Tutoring Experience

I have been teaching in the private sector for 15 years now and have taught English, RE and Philosophy during that time. Before that, I worked in the state sector teaching students with a diverse range of needs and profiles.

I have worked as a private tutor for 12 years preparing students for 7+, 8+, 9+, 11+ and 13+ entrance examinations. My students have secured places at St Paul’s, Kings College Wimbledon, Westminster, Eton, Winchester, Charterhouse, Guildford High, Royal Grammar School Guildford, Dulwich London, Sevenoaks Kent, Hampton School, Lady Eleanor Holles, Tiffin and Godolphin and Latymer, Wycombe Abbey, Lord Wandsworth and Marlborough College.

Tutoring Approach

I am warm and engaging teacher and I know that young people respond to a fun and creative approach to learning. Each student deserves to be respected and supported in a way that facilitates their growth and development.
Working to assess their needs initially, I plan lessons for each individual student, instead of blanket lessons for all. Students have a diverse range of interests so I always ensure that there is enjoyable and relevant content that echoes the national curriculum as well as challenging students to enhance their examination skills. I have a comprehensive understanding of expected progress at each stage of a child’s academic journey.

Communication with parents is vital and ensures continuity and consistency for students. I regularly assess students and feedback to parents so that they’re kept informed at every stage.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


NUI Maynooth2004BachelorsBachelor of Arts English and Theology
Rating from 2 references


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