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Home Tuition for Maths and English in Cambridge


Is your child in need of some extra support before their secondary school entrance exams? Or perhaps your child is struggling with a whole-class approach to learning and needs some extra support? Whatever your needs, I would like to help. My name is Natasha and I am a full-time primary school teacher and experienced private tutor based in South Cambridgeshire.

Tutoring Experience

I graduated from the University of Cambridge in 2015, having gained my PGCE in primary education. Following this, I gained my Masters in Educational Research from the University of Cambridge, earning a distinction. I have been a primary school teacher for 9 years, both in Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire, teaching a range of ages, abilities and special educational needs. Alongside my teaching role, I also lead maths in my school.

Prior to studying education, I studied Ancient History at the University of Birmingham where I gained a first class degree.

Outside of my teaching experience, I have tutored both formally and informally for a number of years. I have found that the one-to-one support from a tutor can often be the key to boosting a child's confidence and understanding, due to the individualised teaching it allows. I have tutored children both for general education and for entrance exams, recently including The Perse, Heritage, The Stephen Perse, The Leys and St Mary’s.

I am experienced teaching children with a range of special educational needs, including pupils with Dyslexia, pupils with ADHD, pupils with mild-severe learning difficulties, and pupils on the Autistic Spectrum. I also have experience teaching children with a range of mental health needs and children with English as an additional language.

Tutoring Approach

I believe that every child learns differently and therefore I take a very individualistic approach to tutoring, determining what type of learning the child will benefit from. I find that practice and confidence are key for most pupils, and so I focus on getting pupils really secure in a topic before moving on. This is especially key for SATs practice or entrance exams, in which it is very much about learning the style of the test. I like to work alongside a child's school in order to support their learning in the way which will the child will benefit from the most.

Thank you for looking at my page and I look forward to hearing from you!

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


University of Birmingham2014Bachelors1.1 BSc Ancient History
University of Cambridge 2015PGCEPrimary Education
University of Cambridge 2017MastersMasters in Educational Research

Natasha's Feedback

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Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 2 references


Subjects taught
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Entrance ExamsIn-personOnline
Special NeedsIn-personOnline
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