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Private Maths Tutor in Kilwinning

My name is Nathan Quirk and I work in Paisley. I can provide tuition in mathematics for pupils studying National 5 maths and higher

I can also provide tuition to home education communities.

I am patient in my approach and work hard to help each pupil achieve their fullest potential in mathematics. I have a strong mathematical background and pride myself in being able to give clear an concise explanations.

In my spare time I enjoy painting.

Tutoring Experience

I previously worked with mathematics in the engineering industry for seven years and have now been teaching mathematics in secondary schools for seven years.

Tutoring Approach

One to one sessions for one hour.
Small group sessions of various time frames

Sessions will involve exercises to improve mathematical fluency in the key skills required for success at National 5 and beyond plus opportunities for students to be mathematical.

Pupils will also get the opportunity to develop exam techniques so that they are well prepared for their exam.

I recommend beginning tuition early as this will give the best possible opportunity to develop the fluency and confidence required to achieve at mathematics.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (evenings)
References Available On File


Glasgow Caledonian University2015BachelorsMechanical and electronic systems engineering
University of Strathclyde2017PGCETeacher of Mathematics

Nathan's Feedback

Published feedback
Unpublished feedback (Usually negative)0
Rating from 3 references


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