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I am passionate about my subject and have 2 decades experience as a secondary English and Media Studies teacher. As such, I can quickly build positive relationships with pupils from a wide range of backgrounds and ability/behavioural profiles, both online and in person. For me, ‘every child matters’ is more than a policy. I strive to place the pupil at the heart of the learning process, making them an active participant in their development.

Tutoring Experience

Since leaving university, I have taught in a variety of secondary environments and have a proven track record in helping students to achieve success at both GCSE and A-Level. I have received citations from the Good Schools Guide, West Sussex County Council and have consistently rated 'good' or 'outstanding' for my teaching when monitored by OFSTED.

Tutoring Approach

I aim to work with all stakeholders to create personalised learning programmes that stimulate excitement and fosters self-belief. I am experienced in designing and delivering lessons to a wide variety of learners, ranging from gifted & talented to those with additional needs including ASC, ADHD and dyslexia/dyspraxia.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
References Available Not On File


Cambridge University2023MastersEducational Practice
Edinburgh University2020MastersDigital Education
Sussex University2003PGCESecondary English
Sussex University2015MastersEducation Research
Sussex University2003PGCEPGCE Secondary English
Sussex University2001BachelorsEnglish Language
Sussex University2001BachelorsEnglish Language
Rating from 1 reference


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