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Online Maths and French Tuition

Hi! I am a fully qualified and experienced languages teacher from the UK. I hold QTS and a DBS in the UK, as well as a first-class BA in French and Spanish. I have spent time living and working in Spain and France, and I love getting experience new cultures. I am passionate about languages and I enjoy sharing that passion with my students. In my spare time I am learning Portuguese and Greek and I hope to be able to teach these languages as well one day.

Please get in touch to discuss lessons or for more information. My timings are flexible so please let me know what works best for you.

Tutoring Experience

I have five years experience working as a languages tutor during which time I have helped over 100 students through exam success, professional transitions and relocations to new countries. I have experience taking on students of all levels - from complete beginner to degree level. I am well-practiced in helping students through GCSE and A level exams, and have worked closely with the AQA and Edexcel exam boards in the past.
Alongside tutoring, I have worked as a languages teacher in UK secondary schools, and as a languages assistant.

Tutoring Approach

My teaching methodology focuses on practising real-life communication to give you the skills you need to use your langauge in a wide range of settings. I place an emphasis on speaking so that students can gain confidence and get ready for a real-life application of their language skills. My previous students have shown rapid improvement - from beginner level to being able to hold basic conversations - within only a couple of months.
My lessons are always tailored to the needs of each student as I recognise that each student is learning for different reasons. Whether you are learning a language for work, for study, for travel or just for fun, then get in touch with me to discuss next steps.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available Not On File


University College London2024PGCEPGCE in Languages
University of Leeds2021BachelorsBA in Modern Foreign Languages
Rating from 1 reference


Subjects taught
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