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Home Tuition for Special Needs and Study Skills in York

I am a specialist dyslexia assessor and tutor for literacy and study skills. I teach English Language and Literature and I am also a qualified French and Spanish secondary school teacher. I live in York with my husband, two daughters and our rescue dog, Pablo.

Tutoring Experience

I have over 20 years experience teaching Spanish and French in Secondary schools. I am currently studying for my Masters in SpLD (Dyslexia) at UCL in London. Dyslexia is personal to me and to my family so I can empathise with students who may be challenged by the demands of reading, writing and spelling, along with organisational and planning issues.

Tutoring Approach

I very much believe in giving my students the skills to be able to do it for themselves. Equipping the learner with the ability to find out and learn how to learn is crucial. My lessons are all bespoke, multi-sensory, engaging and well-paced so that the individual feels in control and is happy to learn. My teaching is based on current research and I adapt to the needs of my students.

LanguagesEnglish (British), French, Spanish, German
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


University of St Andrews2002MastersMA (Hons) French and Spanish
University of Newcastle2003PGCEPGCE
UCL2022QTSMA SpLD (Dyslexia)
Rating from 2 references


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