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Online Italian and Spanish Tutoring

I am a third year undergraduate student studying Spanish and Italian at the University of Oxford I acheived a First in my first year Preliminary exams, A*A*A in my A Levels (studying Spanish, English Literature and Chemistry), alongside an equivalent qualification (PLIDA B2) acheived in Italian, and 10 grade 9s at GCSE.

Tutoring Experience

I have two years experience teaching a wide range of ages and abilities. From those that are just starting out on their language learning experience to those that are aiming to single out and hone in specific areas or skills, I have shown that I can cater for a variety of different needs.

Tutoring Approach

I offer lessons tailored to the individuals needs, whether that be improving speaking ability, written expression or comprehension in general. As a student myself I understand the challenges and tailor my approach accordingly with up to date knowledge on requirements for relevant exams.
I try to teach essentials of a language like vocabulary and grammar in an engaging and useful way, as whilst they are fundamental they can often feel like a mountain to climb!
Trial classes will usually begin trying to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the student so that I can accurately establish a base from which to begin.

LanguagesEnglish (British)
AvailabilityWeekends, Weekdays (all times)
References Available On File


PLIDA Società Dante Alighieri2021OtherPLIDA B2 (A Level Equivalent)
Altrincham Grammar School for Boys2022SchoolA* in Spanish A Level
Rating from 2 references


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